To kick things back off thought I'd do a blogpost about how I went and helped out my old mucker from Palmsounds (which incidentally is the first blog I ever followed!) with the Soundlab project which was running 3 spaces at the Beautiful Octopus Club at royal festival hall.

Soundlab are setup to try and make music technology accessible to everyone and as such run soundlab events featuring cutting edge music tech at different events.

I was running one of the workshop spaces where we were getting loads of people to interact with a couple of bits of great music tech. These were ototo by dentaku and also mogees Above is a shot of ototo and below how we set it up as a curry dish organ! (and yes thats me in the labcoat!)

It was a tremendous event and I was darn proud to be part of it, the soundlab project is doing sterling work helping push the envelopes of accessibility enabling creative expression for everyone regardless of ability or physicality..