Had an amazing time at Machynlleth Mini Maker Faire last saturday and also a very pleasant friday evening hosted by @inventorium running an open mic pitch an idea session which was very cool.
I'd been asked to run a stall about my obsession with DIY space projects and I took some models (including the pocketqub model I've built pictured above...I'll do a little post about this seperately) and a load of pictures and books about various space initiatives.
I made sure I got round and had a look at the other exhibiters there and everyone was amazing in their own way...I was particularly impressed with the work of Paul Granjon an amazing artist, performer and robot creator...check out his work here The robot above was completely beguiling and delightful and has given me a big urge to build my own companion robot!
Also there were the superfixer restart project crew who's aim is to promote a repairing and fixing culture revolution through there restart parties. They were all brilliant peoples and great fun...I am planning and am going to run a restart party in Bangor N Wales asap. Check out their ongoing and amazingly busy schedule of stuff on their website
This beautiful machine is a device that throws resin around inside the mold making sure that the resin is equally distributed making in this case lovely thin walled resin teapots. It was presented by the mighty Dorkbot cardiff peoples.
These guys and gals, flowering elbow were showing off their work upcycling stuff to make cool, useful, things (they had a wood turning lathe made from aluminium scrap and a washing machine motor!) Check em out here
And last but not least...had to take a pic of this cool as anything Chaos Computer Club badge spotted on a Restarter.....nice...if there's to be another fair next year I think we should have hi tech hacker badges!