Many thanks to everyone who passed by the ADS room at Hendre's big party III on the 29th April, and in particular those who stayed to check out my set. I played some loud n glitchy raw techno using just the circuit bent qy10 and my bent 505
I had fun..getting the opportunity to jam loud with these machines is fantastic and I enjoyed the reactions that my set got... people dancing their asses off, people standing watching me thrust patch cords and press buttons, people having a quick look and then backing away looking concerned, people laughing their heads off. It was grand and I came away pleased with my set for once!
Really impressed with the visual setup as well, The midi from the 505 was piped into Dfektors laptop and was triggering random visuals that I had collected..The beauty of this is that they synchronise perfectly yet maintain a random factor. We also had a webcam hooked up to the system so every now and then the feed from this would appear instead of a clip..nice stuff... thanks Dfektor.
Only problem was I forgot to press record on my DAT machine! Ah well.... hohum