Hackspace Articles and Issues List

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Open Research Rocketry, First Opensource project released!

I've been developing Open Research Rocketry for a while and it has many lofty aims for rocketry in the UK. From non profit flights for people to fly small payloads on high power rockets, developing more launch sites and rocketry activity,  policy research and, of course, developing rocketry themed technology. All, of course, opensource. The plan was (and still is) to wrap this up in a not for profit company which has some commercial activities, but all surplus is used to offset and reduce STEM/STEAM activity around rocketry. Hopefully helping develop new rocketry communities, industry and inspiring people into involvement. Many aspect of this road map are currently on hold, including the company set up, until it becomes clearer when activity can resume on rocketry ranges and in education and other sites when counter Covid measures are responsibly eased.

However, some progress continues, I'm really pleased this week that we have released our first opensource hardware project which is a simple small PCB for igniting e-matches that are used in deployment systems in high power and research rocketry. It's a useful little module that may form part of people test set ups or indeed part of a modular flight computer system. It's brilliant that we have begun to have community contributions and merge requests also. Do check out the project here.

And check out the main Open Research Rocketry page and if you have any suggestions for opensource resources relating to rocketry do send them over for our resources page.

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