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Sunday, 8 July 2018

Open Boat Tail rocket... Maiden flight!

OBT_maiden_7July18 from concretedog on Vimeo.

Ardent readers of this blog (all 6 of you!!) will recall a while back I designed and built a small rocket with a boat tail and I finally got chance to fly it at a family and friends BBQ last night. It flew really well on a classic Estes B6-4 motor. It was a really still evening but (even though I flew a pretty tiny parachute) it still managed to end up drifting the wrong way and landing in a thicket in a bog! After much rummaging however the rocket was recovered successfully!

I'd designed it with around 5 grams of mass in the payload section and as it was a maiden flight I didn't fancy sticking a pricey altimeter in it so a willing volunteer was found in one of my European Space Agency lego minifigs!

If you fancy building or improving on my design, it's all opensource and available here. 

Thanks to Rob for shooting this video on his phone!

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