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Thursday, 24 August 2017

My first ever review! Tool Hanging Hooks!

So, a while ago I posted a picture of a rocket I was building on twitter in my terribly cluttered and untidy shed and an account, @1Buy_UK suggested I might find some tool hanging hooks they sell useful. I cheekily replied "feel free to send me some for review".. and fair enough they have!

So full disclaimer is I did not pay for these but today 10 of these tool hooks arrived and I've put a couple up in the shed. They are pretty good, they are large enough to accept tools such as a spade or shovel handle and will happily take a saw handle.

For less "garden" items they are pretty useful too, when I am using the milling machine I always need to hand my large hammer and my 12" adjustable wrench, the wrench for removing my ER32 collet holder and the large hammer to give my drawbar a sharp tap to free the taper in the spindle, these hooks are perfect for both items.

So, all in all a thumbs up from me, and at £3.99 for 10 plus £1.20 postage they are a bargain and even come with the right amount of screws. Get them here www.1buy.co.uk

So there's my first hardware review.... who's next!

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