So.. this project has taken me far too long to realise! I finally got out for a maiden flight on this 450mm quadcopter I've built. It's probably about a year since I bought the bits! Many many many people have built and flown quads these days so it doesn't warrant a massive post but for what it's worth my (budget) recipe for this quad is;
800kv brushless motors
cheap simonk 30amp ESCs1045 props
CC3D flight controller
FST6 tx/rx
2200 mah 3s lipo
Its gone together pretty well and I am massively pleased with how stable and easy to fly (I'm a stabilised pilot so it feels similar to the couple of small brushed quads I've learnt on... JUST A HEAP MORE POWERFUL!). It was easy to setup the CC3D flight computer using the brilliant free and opensource LibrePilot which gets even more praise for being available for ubuntu.
Theres a few jobs to do and some tidying required but really chuffed to have flown this today and
there's definitely lifting power and space on this airframe for some cameras so hopefully I'll get some nice footage.
Good work , looks great . Are you aiming for FPV ? .
ReplyDeleteAt some point! I'm not really into fpv for racing but wouldn't mind getting into waypointing/UAV stuff with fpv. For now I'm happy trying to get a decent wobble free video out of an attached camera!