Indeed it's been a while! I've been busy writing away for the jazz project and thats been keeping me busy between work and other committments. With the jazz project (that desperately needs a name!) we are at the point where we have 7 (and one in the pipeline) pieces written and ideas arranged and we have a good collection of other interesting tunes to form a couple of I am going to slightly take the pressure of the writing stuff. Anyway here is a very shonky demo sketch of one of the newer tunes (obviously when live these would be a lot longer with solo sections etc)
In other news...I did some breadboarding and even cracked the soldering iron out for the first time in months earlier on...I breadboarded a very crude voltage controlled filter and began to solder up a version..I plan to allocate some time back to more hacky/electronic/building stuff to balance up my creative fu so watch this space.
Just for evidence here's a photo of BLARP next to breadboard next to the early stages of the module soldered tonight!
Great to see Blarp is back