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Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Madness of Midi Sync

A crazy video that requires speakers or headphones as theres a bassline going all the way through that is to deep for my laptop speakers anyway...This is my first succesful attempt at a hacked together midi sync solution for my CMOS lunetta style noisemaking stuff. So whats happening is on my little eeepc701 is the mighty DAW Reaper and its sequencing a simple root n fifth bassline using an old VSTi I hacked together a long time ago. Reaper is also sending midi out to my Highly Liquid MSAR kit and one of the relay outputs is then connected between positive 9v on Blarp and the clock input on a shift register, the data input of this is hooked up to a fast oscilator and I am using the 1st step out of the shift register as my clock source for skippy....I did try taking a clock source straight from the midi relayed 9v but it seemed to freak out the clock on skippy..I think it might be something to do with debouncing the relay..anyway...It ain't pretty....but it works!


  1. Wow. Doctor Who is real and you are him aren't you! Maybe one day I will understand what is happening here, but I like it!

  2. Wow. Doctor Who is real and you are him aren't you! One day I might understand what is happening here, but I like it!

  3. hhhm Rosset? Llay? is that you?! You wait till you listen to my album!

    edit..if the above commentor has no idea what that means I apologise for mistaking your identity!

  4. Yes, it's me. I don't know where the 'guitarjazz' name came from it just seemed to choose it for me (how did it know??). Maybe I've been on this site before and forgot.

    Yes, just listened to and bought the album. Am really impressed. Some creative and tasteful stuff. I know you play creative and tasteful guitar, but I've never heard this aspect of your music before.


  5. Andy...I wish I could spell it the way Mimi Fox said it...!...THANK YOU.. for your kind words indeed, and for purchasing....you belong to a very select group now!
