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Thursday, 21 June 2007

Welcome and free circuit bent loops

Hello welcome to my shiny new blog. I plan to update this from time to time to let people know what I'm up to and to give stuff away that hopefully inspires a few people.

First up is a link to a collection of loops I've recorded from my circuit bent roland tr505

I bent this months ago and it was my first bending project proper..I'll get round to adding some good links for circuit bending at some point..

The loops are available in a zipped archive, there are 15 of them, I've trimmed them all and they are all the same original loop with different bends applied. The original loop was 90bpm but the timing may have slipped slightly due to the bends interfering with tempo every now and again! Anyway..feel free to use them in any project you like just don't sell them on cd on ebay as that will make me cross!

Here's the link


1 comment:

  1. so where exactly are my free 505 loops ??? please
