I've been meaning to make one of these for years and in amongst everything else I found a bit of time to do it the other week. It's a simple build of a box with a very holey lid - it's ace owning a small CNC as this is precisely the kind of job it's worth its weight in gold for. A quick measure of my cheap shop vacuum nozzle diameter (an Argos special that has lasted years despite abuse) and the CNC cut the side sections to match. I'm experimenting with recycling milk bottles at the moment and using a hand held heat gun. It works well and pulls a strong seal around objects. I fancy trying to make some lightweight small nosecones next to see how they compare in weight to the very thin walled 3d printed ones I have made.
Hackspace Articles and Issues List
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
A snowy welcome on the saturday!
The huuuge keynote by mad dog. Amazing sight!
Above, the Gitlab team who have been great supporters of LSF.
LSF/SatNOGS contributors meet the Grafana team (and inform them of an Influx db bug they found!!)
Team... looking tired on the Saturday night!
Flying Ryan air means taking the worlds tiniest laptop!
A busy booth
FOSDEM was incredibly busy and I spent some time each day helping on the LSF booth, speaking to a constant flow of people from all over the planet about our missions to democratise space and provide open hardware and software to enable people to get involved. Hopefully it results in more people supporting what we do but also I feel sure that certainly a few more people are interested in moving towards setting up their own SatNOGS groundstations on the global network.
General picture dump..
Loved this!
So many LSF people! All in to see Alex Csete talk about our SDR makerspace project