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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Paul Granjon..a chance viewing

So today I ended up travelling from north wales to Cardiff and back to cover a colleague who was of work...despite a 6am start and long day after the meeting I was covering I had a great recollection that the mighty Paul Granjon (who I met at the machynlleth maker faire) had an exhibition on in cardiff...a quick google on my phone and a short walk later I found it and spent a great 1/2 hour interacting with his robots once again.

In a workshop space adjacent to the gallery space there was a 3d printer printing these great skull miniature plant pots! Nice...

Great fun to be had driving this robot via bluetooth..

So all I can say is if you're in Cardiff before the 27th of this month go check out Pauls robots...charming, beguiling, inspiring and great fun.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Quick Upcycling Project

I've long been a fan of these small plastic containers found containing toys in a certain chocolate egg which my kids adore (ok I'll admit I'm partial too!). They are a great little container and I have ended up using a few for holding small component items. They have tight fitting lids and are well sealed but they do have a flaw that they dont stand upright. So I made this little egg holder from a scrap bit of timber after a few experiments working out the best size hole. I cut the holes with a 32mm diameter hole cutting bit and its a tight fit for the egg so they are held firmly enough that you can wave the device about and they don't detach. I may drill another small hole so I can hang this (and more that I make) from a hook....so more reason to guzzle chocolate eggs!!