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Monday, 20 October 2008

Warm Data Video Excerpt

I've posted a video made up of some of the audio recorded of my live set I did at the launch of Warm Data and a sample of the visuals I made to play randomly on the projection screens.

Audiowise I did the gig entirely on my circuitbent casio SA8, my DIY squarewave synth and my modified walkman with motors! I did, of course, use my favourite zoom palmtop effects boxes as well.( so you know this soundtrack isn't disco I'm guessing)

Visually I made these clips by placing or throwing things onto an old overhead projector and filming the results, interestingly most of the stuff in the video is stuff used to construct and or modify the audio instruments.

It feels odd to some to have such warm imagery set to such a dark theme, but I like that kind of juxtaposition. I like the way that things can sometimes appear as mindfully sequenced when they are in actual fact randomly placed.

Here we go

Concretedog Warm Data from concretedog on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Highly Liquid MSAR video.

Last weekend I finally got chance to finish building a MSA/R kit from Highly Liquid. This kit is a midi decoder and can covert midi note messages into the physical switching of a relay or switch. This means that anything that can be controlled by an off/on switch or button can essentially now be controlled by midi. In the video I have just hooked it up to 1 sound on a circuit bent drum toy but with the eight switches/channels there is a myriad of possibilities. I actually built this one for a friend and need to build my own but I already have numerous ideas of projects I could implement with this.

Concretedog Highly Liquid MSA/R from concretedog on Vimeo.